Kejari Bima Sudah Check 100 Saksi Nasabah BSI Penerima Dana KUR

BIMA - Investigators of the Bima District Attorney's Office, West Nusa Tenggara, examined the marathon of Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) customers of the Bima Soetta 2 Sub-Branch Office (KCP) recorded as recipients of people's business credit funds (KUR) from 2021 to 2022."Yes, we have examined this recipient for a marathon and so far we have examined around 100 customers," said Head of the Special Crimes Section of the Bima Catur Hidayat Kejari who was contacted by telephone from Mataram, Antara, Monday, April 29.Catur said that his party had not examined all customers who received BSI KUR funds. Therefore, the customer examination agenda is still ongoing until early May 2024.In addition to the Sabah, the examination also continues with banks, both employees and auditors from BSI. From BSI, the prosecutor's office has also received money that is suspected of being the result of corruption from the distribution of KUR funds with a value of Rp. 104 million.According to him, coordination with auditors is still on the agenda of the investigation. The coordination is to see state financial losses."For the auditor, it hasn't. However, it has been included in the coordination agenda, we will finish it first with witnesses from customers and banks," he said.By conveying the development of the case, Catur emphasized that his party in handling this case has not revealed the role of the suspect."Later, if there are audit results, complete evidence, we will convey the results," he said.Kejari Bima menangani kasus ini berdasarkan laporan masyarakat. Terungkap dalam laporan, BSI menyalurkan dana KUR periode 2021 hingga 2022 sebesar Rp13 miliar.The recipients of the BSI KUR funds come from the community who run businesses in agriculture and livestock.
However, in the distribution of KUR funds, there were allegations that they were not on target and that there were fictitious recipients, so it was recorded that credit payment arrears with potential losses reached more than Rp. 8 billion.