The Findings Of The NTB Inspectorate Were Returned, The Police Opened The Report Room If There Was New Evidence Of Corruption In The Mambalan APBDes

The Mataram City Police have opened a space for reporting cases of alleged corruption in the Mambalan Village Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBDes)."If there are indications that lead to it (corruption), please, we are open. In general, we are ready to follow up on every report that comes from the public," said Head of the Mataram Police Criminal Investigation Unit (Satreskrim) Kompol I Made Yogi Purusa Utama in Mataram, Thursday, April 25, confiscated by Antara.Regarding the management of the Mambalan APBDes, Made Yogi said that his party had coordinated with the West Lombok Inspectorate.From the submission of the inspectorate, Yogi said that there had been findings of state financial losses in the management of the Mambalan Regional Budget."That's in 2016 management, the value is Rp. 300 million. However, the Inspectorate said it had been completed. There was a return," he said.If there are still indications of state financial losses in the year that continues, Yogi emphasized that his party is ready to follow up on reports according to legal regulations."Please report if there are indications of fraud in 2017, we are waiting for the report," he said.Mambalan Village Head Sayid Abdollah Alkaff confirmed indications of the Inspectorate regarding state losses in the APBDes which appeared in the 2017 management period with a value of Rp. 67.9 million."The problem is recorded in the OMSPAN application (Online Monitoring of the State Budget Treasury System). That's 2017 budget data," he said.Abdollah said that his party had clarified this issue to the previous village head, namely Lalu Ahmad Yudni, and produced an agreement.Dalam kesepakatan, Abdollah membuat surat pernyataan kepada Desa Mambalan dengan bersedia memulihkan anggaran yang telah diakui digunakan untuk kepentingan pribadi."In the statement letter, Abdollah is willing to return the funds in installments until December 31, 2021," he said.However, until now the former Head of Mambalan Village has not shown any good faith in fulfilling the promise according to the statement of the partnership.According to Abdollah, in the absence of good faith from the person concerned, the Mambalan Village Government has been harmed."Like it or not, we have to bail out the losses that arise. Our village funds are deducted to cover losses," he said.
Regarding the statement of the police who opened the reporting room for the matter, Abdollah said that he had to discuss it first with the village apparatus."Yes, indeed we have not submitted the report to the Mataram Police, we still have to discuss it again with village officials to determine steps to resolve this issue," said Abdollah.From the results of a temporary discussion with the village government, he received information that state financial losses that emerged from the 2017 APBDes management reached Rp. 104 million."That's based on the results of the clarification of my staff who used to be the staff of the former village head," he said.