Sukamakmur Bogor Is Hit By Strong Winds, 38 Houses Are Damaged

BOGOR - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Bogor Regency noted that 38 houses in Sukamakmur District were damaged due to strong winds.

Head of the Bogor Regency BPBD Emergency and Logistics Division, M Adam Hamdani, revealed that the strong winds that occurred on Thursday, April 17 evening caused 37 houses to be lightly damaged and one heavily damaged.

"Because of the high intensity rain accompanied by strong winds, causing trees to fall at several points that hit people's houses," he said in Cibinong, Bogor Regency, Friday, April 19, which was confiscated by Antara.

Adam said that currently fallen trees that hit people's houses in the Sukamakmur area have been successfully evacuated by the Bogor Regency BPBD Rapid Editor Team.

"Some of the houses affected have been repaired by the owner. This needs further treatment from the relevant agencies," said Adam.

Meanwhile, Acting Regent of Bogor Asmawa Tosepu appealed to his citizens to always increase their vigilance because extreme weather is still happening in the last few days in Bogor Regency.

"Once I received a report, from 360 days on average, no more than 10 days of disaster did occur. That must be our common concern," said Asmawa.

According to him, Bogor Regency is an area that is prone to natural disasters because it has high rainfall, there are several hilly areas, so disasters always haunt them all the time.

Asmawa instructed the sub-district head, village head and village head to diligently give appeals to the public regarding the alert for natural disasters as one of the mitigation steps.

"The sub-district heads should always remind us to always be vigilant, because Bogor Regency is very, very vulnerable," said Asmawa.

He also encouraged the Regional Research and Development Development Planning Agency (Bappedalitbang) of Bogor Regency to finalize the Regional Regulation of the Regional Spatial Planning (Perda RTRW).

"Let's use space team, let's work. Don't let after a disaster occurs, then we will blame each other, that is not a good action," he said.