Allegedly Praying Eid At Home, Laura Kiehl's Mother Was Beaten By Warganet

JAKARTA - The mother of celebrity Cinta Laura Kiehl, Herdiana Kiehl, became a public conversation after uploading a video on her personal Instagram when she and her daughter performed prayers which were suspected to be Eid prayers.

But instead of being praised, the video became the target of netizens because it was deemed not in accordance with Islamic teachings which required Eid prayers to face the sermon.

"Rukun Salat Ied must have a kutbah. Don't be equated with tarawih prayer, sunnah or must. Each prayer has its own harmony & conditions." write @bbar***.

"Sunnah prayer, obligatory prayers, everyone has guidance in hadith and al-qur'an so that as Muslims, they are encouraged to follow the guidance and also carry out the demo for themselves because prayer if it is not in accordance with the guidance, fear is not rewarded..." said @nien ***.

Seeing this, as if he didn't want to prolong the problem, Cinta Laura Kiehl's mother immediately changed the description in the video by saying that it wasn't during Eid prayers.

"Shalat bersama dengan @claurakiehl lebihnya. Berjuta rasanya. Berhitung seperti ketika dia masih kecil dulu," tulis Herdiana Kiehl dikutip VOI dari Instagram pribadinya, Senin, 15 April.