Foreign Minister Lavrov Says Russia-Ukraine Peace Plan Proposed By China Makes The Most Sense

JAKARTA - Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov assessed that the proposed peace of the Russian-Ukraine conflict proposed by China so far is the most reasonable.

"The most important thing for us is that Chinese documents are based on an analysis of the reasons for what happened and the need to eliminate the root of this problem. These documents are compiled in logic from general to specific ones," Lavrov said, citing Reuters from RIA April 4.

Beijing submitted 12 points of the paper more than a year ago, outlining general principles to end the war but not to discuss specifically. This received a warm welcome from Russia and Ukraine.

Meanwhile, the United States said China displayed itself as the bearer of peace but reflected Russia's false narrative' and failed to condemn their invasion.

"This plan was criticized for being unclear. But this is a reasonable plan proposed by the great Chinese civilization for discussion," Lavrov explained.

Lavrov will soon meet his colleague Chinese Foreign Minister. President Vladimir Putin said last month he would consider going to China for his first overseas trip in his latest term of office.

Russia is known to say it is willing to negotiate on Ukraine, but this should reflect what it calls a "new reality" on the ground, where its forces control a fifth of the country's territory and Moscow has claimed four regions in Ukraine as its own.

Separately, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has put forward his own peace formula calling for the cessation of Russia's hostilities and full withdrawal from the entire occupation.

Praise China's plan to give Moscow a signal that the country is open to discussing peace, as well as attacking President Zelensky's initiative, which Lavrov calls "a minister you can use to get whatever you want".

Switzerland said it would host the conference based on President Zelensky's plans, but Russia called the initiative useless and said it would fail without Moscow's participation.