Sandra Dewi's Reason For Being Prohibited From Visiting Harvey Moeis In Detention

JAKARTA - The husband of the artist Sandra Dewi, Harvey Moeis, has been named a suspect by the Attorney General's Office and is being held at the Salemba Rutan due to the corruption case of PT. Timah. Inevitably, Harvey has been in detention for one week.

Based on information from the Director of Investigation of the Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes, Kuntadi, all of the suspects in this case, including Harvey Moeis, are currently in isolation.

"According to applicable regulations, all of our detainees for the first seven days must be isolated," Kuntadi said at the Attorney General's Office, Monday, April 1.

Berdasarkan peraturan ini, secara tidak langsung Sandra Dewi selaku istri tidak diizinkan untuk mengunjungi suaminya selama masa isolasi tersebut.

Sandra was only able to visit her husband after one week of isolation has been completed.

"Later, after the seventh day, it will be allowed to visit the family," said Kuntadi.

However, this regulation does not apply to lawyers or attorneys from the suspect, including Harvey Moeis, who is still given access to meet his client.

"If it is needed for examination, specifically for legal counsel, we will give access," said Kuntadi.

As previously reported, Harvey Moeis is reportedly a suspect in the corruption case of tin commodity trading in the Mining Business Permit or IUP PT Timah Tbk 2015-2022 area.

Harvey Moeis has a role as the person who accommodates illegal mining activities in the PT Timah area. The father of 2 children was finally immediately detained by the Attorney General's Office (AGO) since Wednesday, March 27.