YouTube Music Website Launches Offline Song Downloading Feature

JAKARTA YouTube Music is testing the song download feature and podcast to be offline at the end of February. The feature tested for this website version of YouTube Music was finally launched.

Found for the first time by 9to5google, the YouTube Music website now tells its users that it has a new feature. YouTube Music will display a message, "Just! Download music to listen to offline".

This message is specifically directed to the Library. Every time YouTube Music users download the song or podcast episode they want, the offline version will be saved in the Library and can be played at any time.

Keep in mind that YouTube Music can only download songs or podcast episodes on 10 devices. Downloading on this version of the website will reduce the number of devices that have been determined by YouTube Music.

To use this download feature, users must first subscribe to the Premium package. After that, open the desired song or podcast episode, then search for the download button next to the Save menu to the Library.

Although users are free to download and listen to downloads at any time, YouTube Music explains that, "Missing remains available as long as your device has an active internet connection, at least once every 30 days."

If users feel that this feature makes their storage memory full, all downloaded podcast songs or episodes can be deleted. Users only need to open Settings and open the Download menu to delete it.

This download feature has been widely launched since March 29. However, the feature is not yet available on all devices. For now, users can only use the feature in the YouTube Music application version.