Residents' Settlement In Cipinang Besar Selatan Burns, Firefighters Are Blocked From Illegal Parking

JAKARTA - Residents' settlement on Jalan Cipinang Jaya 1, RT 11/07, South Cipinang Besar Village, Jatinegara District, East Jakarta, was destroyed by fire. The cause of the fire came from an electrical short circuit.

"Residents suddenly saw that the fire was already big above the house. Then residents contacted the South Cipinang Besar Fire Task Force," Head of East Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept., Gatot Sulaeman when confirmed, Thursday, March 28.

The fire was extinguished by 11 fire engines on Thursday morning, March 28. The fire was extinguished at 00.10 WIB.

"The object caught fire on the house. The blackout process has been completed. The blackout was carried out by 55 officers," he said.

The fire extinguishing had experienced problems due to the large number of vehicles parked on the shoulder of the road, making it difficult for fire engines to maneuver.

"Many parking cars were blocked on their way to the scene of the crime," he said.

Meanwhile, the area burned was about 30 square meters. The fire scorched 1 house. As a result of the fire, the owner suffered a loss of Rp. 150 thousand.