Ahead Of Eid Al-Fitr, The Circulation Of Counterfeit Money Broke Rp100 Thousand And Rp50 Thousand, The Police Arrested 1 Perpetrator

The West Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit (Satreskrim) has succeeded in uncovering a case of counterfeit money circulation (upal) in the Cengkareng area, West Jakarta.

The syndicate of the circulation of counterfeit money was successfully uncovered due to the results of an investigation by a policewoman from the Corruption Subunit Unit (Tipikor) of the Special Criminal Unit (Krimsus) of the West Jakarta Metro Police, Iptu Sasya Aisha Balqis.

"The beginning of the disclosure of this case began with a public report about the circulation of upals in the Cengkareng area, West Jakarta. The information received stated that someone had stored and traded counterfeit rupiah currency, which was then circulated in the area," said Iptu Sasya to reporters, Wednesday, March 27.

Meanwhile, the modus operandi of the perpetrators is to sell upal in a ratio of 1 to 2. Which means that buyers who exchange real money in the amount of Rp. 500 thousand will get counterfeit money of Rp. 1 million.

From the disclosure, the police managed to confiscate a number of counterfeit rupiah currency and US dollars.

"The perpetrator has the initials HNA. The confiscated evidence includes 180 notes of Rp100 thousand, 31 counterfeit notes of Rp50 thousand, and several US dollars in 100 dollars," he said.

According to Iptu Sasya, the counterfeit money is very similar to the original, both in terms of color patterns and images contained in the money.

Currently, the case of counterfeit money syndicates is still being developed by the police to hunt down other networks.

The public is advised to be careful of the circulation of counterfeit money in West Jakarta ahead of Eid al-Fitr.

"Make sure to check and check carefully first if there are irregularities in the money, immediately report it to the authorities," he said.