Heartache Almost Sodomized The Motive For The Perpetrator Of Killing Cafe Workers In Mataram, NTB

NTB - The police revealed that they were hurt because they were almost sodomized by the motive for killing cafe workers in the boarding room in the Cakranegara area, Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB).

"His heart was hurt because the victim had committed indecent acts when the alleged perpetrator was taken to the victim's boarding house," said Head of the Mataram Police Satreskrim Kompol I Made Yogi Purusa Utama in Mataram, NTB, Friday, March 8, confiscated by Antara.

Yogi explained that the victim who was killed in the boarding room in the Cakranegara area on February 9, 2024, was named Sudirman alias Cemeng. Meanwhile, the perpetrator with the initials AW (27), from Sandubaya, Mataram City.

"So, the alleged perpetrator initially thought the victim was a woman, but when he wanted to have sex, the victim wanted to sodomize the alleged perpetrator. That was his confession," he said.

Yogi explained that the perpetrator knew the victim when he returned from work. The victim at that time offered to take the alleged perpetrator home.

After the police conducted an investigation, the perpetrator was arrested at his barbershop in Mataram City on Thursday, March 7 evening.

The perpetrator is currently being held in the detention room of the Mataram Police.

For his actions, perpetrator AW is threatened with a maximum imprisonment of 15 years according to the suspicion of Article 340 of the Criminal Code and/or Article 338 of the Criminal Code and/or Article 351 paragraph (3) of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 365 of the Criminal Code.