Soybean Consumption Can Healthy Skin And Reduce Smooth Lines

JAKARTA - A clinical study published in Nutrients in 2023 shows that consuming soybeans can make the skin feel more hydrated and help reduce fine lines. This study was conducted on women after themenopause, that participants who consumed 30 grams of soybean protein every day for six months experienced increased skin hydration and decreased wrinkles and pigmentation depth.

Written on the Well and Good page, Thursday (29/2), Mark Messina, PhD, MS, director of nutrition science and research at the Soy Nutrition Institute Global (SNI Global), said in previous research and clinical trials showed that soybean isoflavon may have a beneficial effect on skin health, but few health professionals are aware of these benefits.

"The study shows that the high content of isoflavon in soybeans most likely makes it very supportive of the skin," said Messina.

You will find isoflavons in many plant foods, but isoflavons are mainly concentrated on soybeans. These natural compounds are usually classified as "plant estrogens" and although their functions are different, these compounds mimic estrogenic effects on the skin.

Isoflavon may have an antioxidant effect, which can inhibit the destructive effects of free radicals on your skin, and they help stimulate synthesis and concentration of things like collagen and hyaluronic acid that are often found in skin care products.

"Soybeans can increase levels of natural hyaluronic acid in the skin, which will increase skin hydration and contribute to reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles," he said.

Messina recommends consuming two servings a day (such as two glasses of soy milk or a cup of tofu) to make sure you eat enough isoflavon. Try a bowl of tempeh that fills you with lemon miso sauce at lunch, berry banana smoothie for fast and delicious snacks, soybean-based nacho for dinner, or lemon tofu cheese cake for desserts.