4 Benefits Of Jumping Ropes For Health, One Of Them Makes Tendon Networks Not Rigid

JAKARTA - Jumping the rope is not just a fun way for sports. But it's also an activity rooted in history. The rope jump is believed to be from ancient China, according to the International Rope Skipping Federation (IRSF). A game called "jumping the rope a hundred" became a favorite during the Chinese New Year Festival.

Currently, jumping ropes is still used for a number of activities related to fitness. And often included as part of high-intensity training or as a scarcity exercise for boxers.

If you want to change your fitness routine, consider jumping a rope. This helps condition the weight-retaining joints on the ankle, knees, and hips. At the same time give exercises that increase heart rate.

There are many benefits that can be obtained by adding rope jumps into your sporting routine. This is not only a fun way to move the body but also the right way to train coordination, cardiovascular fitness, and muscle and bone resistance.

Increase Tendon's Elatility

Jumping the rope can help increase the elasticity of the tendons in the legs that support your joints, such as the Achilles tendon at the lower foot and the IT band near your knee, explains physical therapist Sarah fire, PT, DPT, co-owner of Boulder Fisiotherapy Sport.

This Tendon works like a spring, stores energy and then releases that energy. and must have the appropriate level of stiffness and flexibility to store and then release energy to push you,'' said PIKER LIVESTRONG, Thursday, March 7.

Increase Muscle Strength In The Lower Body

Likewise, leg and leg muscles require training to increase their explosive power and agility. Twist loops can help train these muscles to encourage you to be stronger and faster. This is very helpful in running or exercising that requires rapid changes in speed and direction, such as basketball and football players," said kole.

Increase Cardiovascular Resilience

Jumping the rope can increase cardiovascular endurance through HIIT-style training, according toTEN.

"Trope pumping is a great way to train the aerobic system in a short time if you don't have longer aerobic training time, such as running," he said.

"Trope pumping can also be a good activity to use when restoring or rehabilitating an injury where you can't tolerate running, climbing, or cycling for longer," explainedvillage.

Good Mental Stimulus

Lastly, jump rope is different and potentially more fun than ordinary sports in treadmills or ellipticals. Jumping in a rope allows you to revive fond memories of jumping rope as a child. And the challenges of managing the time and coordination needed to succeed in jumping can also be a good mental stimulus.

Because jumping a rope is a high impact activity, meaning you put a large amount of energy on the body, you should start slowly and carefully before increasing the frequency of rope jumping.

men recommend starting from small ones and increasing slowly. Start by jumping the rope for 5 to 10 minutes periodically 30 seconds jump and 1 minute break until your time runs out. Try this one or two times a week to see how your body responds to this activity.

In addition,itude recommends jumping rope before exercising. Because jumping rope is a high-impact movement, doing so before other sporting activities will ensure your tendons and joints are not tired due to other aspects of your training when jumping rope.