Kiesha Alvaro Saves To Invite Okie Agustina Out Of Gunawan Dwi Cahyo's House

After divorcing Gunawan Dwi Cahyo, the eldest son of Okie Agustina and Pasha Ungu, Kiesha Alvaro said that now he is in charge of financing workers' salaries at his home. Seeing this, Kiesha feels that she is indeed trusted to be the distributor of fortune for the workers at her home.

"Actually, if I really want to be selfish, I can have three houses now. Only because I can't use the money myself, I believe many Gods leave other people's fortunes through me," said Kiesha Alvaro in the Senayan area, South Jakarta, recently.

Therefore, this 19-year-old man feels that the income he holds is not just his money, but someone else as well.

"It's like every time I get money, I help like my driver, my driver, then my aunt and so on. So it's not the type of person who 'oh my money, I just use it, people don't get it'," continued Kiesha.

Now Kiesha has to reduce her expenses which she used to use for personal pleasure in order to be able to buy a house for Okie Agustina.

Based on the court's decision, Okie is expected to leave Gunawan Dwi Cahyo's house after being officially declared divorced for at least 5 years.

"If I wanted to, I could buy three houses, but because I'm a very relaxed person, because I have parents who thank God enough," he explained.

"That's why I use it to have fun with my friends, family, and relatives. With a decision of 5 years to move and sell, yes I must be able to think of it as a responsibility," said Kiesha.

However, Kiesha confirmed that this year he and Okie Agustina would leave Gunawan Dwi Cahyo's house even though it was not even 5 years.

"This year, God willing, this year (change houses)," he concluded.