What Happens To The Body If You Don't Eat Rice: Here's The Shocking Fact

YOGYAKARTA - Every day the body's metabolism produces the energy needed for activities and various body functions. Generally, energy is obtained from glucose that comes from daily meals. Want to know what happens to the body if you don't eat rice?

However, under certain conditions, the metabolic process to produce energy can also use an array of fats located inside the body. This is known as ketosis.

Ketosis is a transient metabolic state, where the body is no longer a glucose metabolism from food, but by breaking the fat in the body. This process encourages livers to break up fatty acids to create ketone compounds, including beta' hydroxybutyrate and acetone which are then distributed to various tissues and body fluids.

There are several things that cause fat burning bodies to create energy, including fasting, physical activities with high intensity, or a low diet of carbohydrates. The condition of ketosis allows the body to reduce the fat arrangement more, in times that tend to be short.

Then, what kind of change is felt when the body uses fat as a substitute for glucose from carbohydrates? Here are some changes that occur quoted from several sources.

1. Low Blood Sugar

Carbohydrate is a source of energy. When carbohydrate consumption to the body wants to break it down into glucose, then glucose is absorbed by the body's cells to find energy. If the carbohydrate content in the body is not fulfilled so that it can deplete the sugar content in the body. Low blood sugar levels can give rise to indications of a kind of sweating, chilling or cold, numbness, to reduced focus and concentration.

2. Hard to concentrate

Rice and carbohydrates are not always bad for the body. As long as the consumption is in the ideal limit, rice will be safe for the body. The brain also needs the consumption of glucose from carbohydrates to be used as fuel in carrying out the body's function as a whole.

3. Eating Lust Decreases

The decrease in consumption of rice as a source of carbphidrates can lead to hormonal changes that control hunger. Ketone compounds produced when experiencing ketosis also affect the brain in response to hunger. Instead, the brain will encourage the body to consume more protein and minerals, vegetables, and fruits.

4. Weight Loss Drastically

When you don't eat rice, your body will run out of weight. But losing weight is not a good thing because the body will feel tired. The organs inside the body do not work optimally due to lack of energy stock. In the long term, this situation risks causing organ damage.

5. Easy to get tired

The impact of the diet not eating rice or consuming other carbohydrates is that it is easy to get tired because the body does not have a source of energy. Due to fatigue, the body feels weak and runs out of energy so it gets tired quickly when carrying out activities.

6. Sleep disorders

Sleep disorders can occur during the ketosis process because of hunger. This push for hunger makes people wake up from their sleep in the middle of the night or in the middle of the sleep phase.

7. Oral

When reducing eating rice, the body will respond naturally by breaking fats and creating a chemical called ketone. This ketone can cause the smell of the mouth so that the air aroma becomes uncomfortable.

These various impacts occur because they do not eat rice. Other carbohydrate sources can be used as replacements, not only that, but other methods that do not leave rice in the diet process have also been widely chosen.

Body health is obtained by maintaining a balance of consumption and drinks consumed. The ideal condition of the ideal body can also be obtained by always observing incoming and outgoing nutrients.

Talking about our rice, we can still be healthy, you know, as long as we read: 5 Tips for Eating White Rice So that Body Health is Maintained as a guide.

So after knowing what happens to the body if you don't eat rice, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!