This Is A List Of Hacked-Prone Public Passwords, Can Be Broken In Less Than 1 Second!

YOGYAKARTA A list of public passwords that are prone to being hacked should not be used for digital account passwords, such as email, social media, digital wallets, and so on.

Based on NordPass's report, Panama-based cybersecurity firm, password or password "123456" will be the most commonly used by the Indonesian people in 2023. The password is easy to break and hack in less than a second.

Therefore, if you use the password on a digital account, the risk of hacking will automatically increase significantly.

According to NordPass release, the common password or most widely used by Indonesians in 2024 is 123456. This password can be hacked in seconds.

Other passwords are admin, user, passwords. bismillah and various combinations of sequential numbers.

The following is a list of passwords or passwords that are most commonly used by Indonesian citizens and the timing of the hack according to NordPass:

Just so you know, to get this list, NordPass collaborated with independent cybersecurity researchers to initialize the password database and claim that they did not buy and collect any personal data in this research.

That's information about public passwords that are prone to being hacked. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.