4 KPPS Officers And 1 Linmas In Tangsel Treated After Voice Counting

TANGERANG - The General Election Commission (KPU) of South Tangerang (Tangsel) noted that 4 officers from the Vote Counting Organizing Group (KPPS) and one Linmas underwent treatment at the hospital due to fatigue while counting votes.

Heni as a member of the South Tangerang KPU said, according to the data he received, there were 26,768 officers and 7,648 officers in this year's election. However, there were 5 people who were sick.

"KPPS officers in South Tangerang total 26,768 officers and 7,648 linmas. Of the total recorded illness in us 4 KPPS and 1 linmas," Heni said in a short message, Thursday, February 15.

Heni said the 5 people who were sick were spread across several sub-districts in South Tangerang such as Pondok Aren, Pamulang and Serpong.

"Distribution 1 in Pondok Aren Subdistrict has been treated. 1 in Pamulang District has been treated at the puskesmas. 1 Linmas person and 2 KPPS from Serpong District have also been treated," he said.

However, continued Heni, the 5 officers have now returned to their respective homes. Based on the information received, they were exhausted during the vote count.

"Refuge at 7-13.00 WIB. Calculation after 13. The average who fainted at the time of calculation," he concluded.