Thousands Of TPS In Tangerang Regency Prone To Conflicts And Floods
TANGERANG - Tangerang Police conducted a mapping of 228 polling stations (TPS) in conflict areas and disasters. This is known based on the monitoring of all polling stations in their jurisdiction.
"The results of our data collection that entered the TPS were less vulnerable as many as 5,403, and TPS was prone to 28," said Tangerang Police Chief Kombes Pol Baktiar Joko Mujiono to reporters, Monday, February 13.
He explained that the 28 polling stations that had been mapped were categories prone to conflicts between communities and flood natural disasters.
However, he could not explain which areas were categorized as very prone to conflict and flooding.
"(The point is) we have prepared several security patterns by adjusting the strength of our personnel," he said.
He revealed that there were 1,083 joint personnel consisting of 68 members of the Polsek ranks, 260 Banten Police personnel and 98 Brimob personnel. Later, thousands of these officers will be deployed to 5,431 TPS.
"We put it in the three seasons. The first Rayon is carrying the Panongan, Cikupa, Tigaraksa and Cisoka Police. Then the second Rayon covers the Balaraja Police, Kresek, Kronjo," he said
Rayon tiga Polsek Pasar Kemis, Rajeg, Mau. For Brimop personnel, it is intended to anticipate the urgency situation among flood-prone areas," he added