Expert: Artificial Intelligence Can End Humans In Five Ways

JAKARTA - Fromition to The Matrix, the presence of killer robots in the world of science fiction has become a frightening scourge. However, along with technological advances, questions about the potential for artificial intelligence (AI) to threaten the sustainability of mankind are becoming increasingly serious.

Ben Eisenpress, Director of Operations at the Future of Life Institute, warns that we may have underestimated all disaster risks that AI could pose. According to Eisenpress, there are five ways in which AI can bring the end to humanity:

There are concerns that we could create AI so powerful that humans lose control of it, causing unexpected consequences. The rapid increase in AI development has made this scenario no longer seem impossible.

While the AI itself may not be a direct threat, this technology could accelerate the discovery of biological weapons and toxic compounds. With AI, terrorist groups may easily create deadly outbreaks or destructive chemical attacks.

Incidents such as the NotPetya virus attack that occurred in 2017 show that the use of AI in the manufacture of cyber weapons could have unexpected consequences. Despite its original purpose, this kind of weapon could cause tremendous damage.

The use of AI in military defense systems can trigger faster and more uncontrollable conflict. Decisions made by AI at speeds exceeding human ability could lead to a deadly escalation of nuclear warfare.

The inclusion of AI in crucial systems such as finance and law can result in slowly, humans lose control of their world. In this scenario, we can feel "arrested" by AI without realizing what happened.

Experts emphasize that the dangers posed by AI are not something that will happen only in the future, but it is also ongoing today. With increasingly advanced technology, it is important for us to seriously consider the potential risks associated with the use of AI.

This is a warning that we must pay attention to technological developments wisely, ensuring that artificial intelligence is used for positive purposes and does not jeopardize the survival of mankind.