Rice Price Curhat Rises: Sad Traders Buying Consumer Power Drops

TANGERANG Seorng trader in Malabar Market, Tangerang said that the price of Bulog quality rice of Rp. 12 thousand per liter increased to Rp. 9 thousand per liter.

"Bulog's price was IDR 12 thousand, previously IDR 8-9 thousand. It increased a week or two ago," said Tono when met by VOI at Malabar Market, Cibodas, Tangerang City, Monday, February 12.

Tono also said that good quality rice was worth Rp. 16 thousand per liter. Whereas previously it was only around Rp. 15 thousand per liter.

As a result of the increase in prices, the number of consumers in their stores has decreased. They, sellers and buyers complain that the price of rice has risen dramatically.

"In complaining. The price is expensive. That's why I hope that the president, whoever wins can stabilize food prices, so that people don't suffer," he said.

"For example, this mother usually buys 5 liters, now it's only 2 liters, because the price of rice goes up. I lost 3 liters," he continued.

Suryani, one of the market visitors, admitted that she was worried about the situation of rising food prices, namely rice. This is because the phungl (Warteg) shop entrepreneur was forced to increase the price.

"I was forced to increase prices at my warteg. The problem is, if not, we will lose. So we will follow the current one," said Suryani.

Suryani hopes that the government can return food prices, especially rice. He does not want the current government to only focus on elections, but prioritizes obligations for the small people.

"Please the government not only focus on elections, but prices in the market are rising again. Don't be busy distributing social assistance, but actually there is an increase like this," he concluded.