President Jokowi Urged To Be Neutral In The 2024 General Election, Professor Of ITS: We Are Not Participated

A total of 44 professors (Professors) of the Sepuluh November Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya also opened their voices on political and democratic conditions in Indonesia. The ITS Cares for the State extended family firmly reminded President Joko Widodo's controversial attitude.

"We, as the ITS Cares for the Country's extended family, hereby convey a statement of attitude regarding the current national situation. We are concerned about the current conditions which are colored by various dynamics and potential polarization," said Secretary of the ITS Board of Professors, Prof. Must Laksana Guntur, Tuesday, February 6.

According to him, as an academic, his party always prioritizes the spirit of national unity and upholds democratic values. They also believe that the President of the Republic of Indonesia is the leader of the country, as well as his compatriots who carry out the mandate of the people.

"Therefore, we ask the ITS Chancellor to convey to President Jokowi to remain consistent in the corridor of democracy and the spirit of reform. This is important to maintain national stability and avoid national polarization in the future," he explained.

As for matters that are considered important as a commitment from President Jokowi, namely maintaining national unity and integrity above other interests. Then, maintaining neutrality, preventing state officials from engaging in practical politics, and ensuring the implementation of the 2024 General Election which is peaceful, fair and with integrity.

"We believe that the President has an obligation and responsibility to maintain national stability and the smooth running of the democratic process," he explained.

After reading the statement of attitude, the ITS Mechanical Engineering Professor emphasized that the ITS academic professors and sivitas were not partisans. "So this is purely a moral appeal. So we-we who are here are lecturers, then tendik and students who are morally concerned about the condition of this country, so that in the future it will be better or things that have not been good for the better," he said.

The professors also want to participate in maintaining integrity and ethics in the nation and taking part in caring for democracy, so that the fate of the younger generation in the future will be better. "So, that responsibility is behind this declaration and statement of attitude," he concluded.