Promotor Opens Voice About Alleged Harassment In Chinese Group Fansign Session, WayV In Jakarta

JAKARTA - Several unpleasant incidents accompanied a signature session with WayV fans in Jakarta earlier this week. A number of fans shared their experiences of allegedly experiencing harassment from security officers.

This started when fans took turns on stage to greet WayV members. Several security guards in black and wearing masks guarded by touching the fans' bodies.

In the signature session (fansign) with fans, usually the officers stand guard to ensure that fans do not have physical contact with idols and arrange the flow of substitution of fans who speak to their idols.

A number of videos circulated showing officers touching the wrist, shoulders, and waist areas of a number of fans who were fansigning WayV, especially one of the members, YangYang. Unfortunately, fans realized this only after the event was over.

"My friend joined fansign and one of the victim's father who was on standby and invited fans arbitrarily. @luminaent please do something, this is really unethical. Do you want this crew or not, this is your show! " wrote one user of the X account who shared his friend's experience.

Thursday, January 25, Lumina as the promoter opened her voice on a number of these reports. They regretted the unpleasant incident during the event. They also said that security was a third party.

"We are very sorry to know that something unpleasant happened during the signature ceremony on stage carried out by the security service provider," said Lumina.

"Although the person concerned has apologized publicly, we will still report it officially because it relates to the safety and safety of many fans. We read the chronology written by several victims and we are committed to investigating this issue," he continued.

This is not the only problem that occurred in the fanign session. Previously, a number of fans complained about the fanign session being carried out on a poster instead of an album.

Fanign sessions, especially those related to album promotions, are certainly carried out with signatures on top of the album. However, fans feel disappointed because they are given a banner instead of an album when they are fansign with WayV.

WayV held a fanign session in the context of releasing their latest album, On My Youth which was released in November 2023.