Dozens Of Students Using Brong Exhaust Acted By Banyumas Police Traffic Unit

JAKARTA - The Banyumas Police Traffic Unit of the Central Java Police held a Saber Gerdu (Security Safe School Education Group) activity in schools in the Banyumas Regency area, Monday, January 22.

The Head of Banyumas Police, Kombes Edy Suranta Sitepu, through the Head of Traffic at the Banyumas Police, Kompol Galuh Pandu Pandega, said that the Gerdu Saber program was the creative breakthrough of the Banyumas Traffic Police Unit in the context of educating and taking action against Brong exhaust against students at school.

"We implemented this program because from the results of the Brong hotspot at night, it was found that almost 80 percent of the users were student students", said Kasat Lalu.

He said this activity was a collaboration between the Banyumas Traffic Police Unit and the Student Affairs of each school by carrying out traffic education and education on safe traffic ethics.

"So if a child is found using a vehicle that does not meet the standards, it will be recorded and recorded by a student teacher to be educated and reduce the mental value of the personality", said Kasat Lalu in a written statement, Monday, January 22.

As a result of this activity, officers managed to catch as many as 35 violators of Brong exhaust vehicles and confiscated 4 Brong exhausts.

Kasat then added that this activity will be carried out every day in schools in turn. With the hope that students and the public in general will be more orderly in traffic regulations by not using Brong exhausts and other violations.

"Hopefully the use of Brong exhaust in the Banyumas area will decrease. And the public is increasingly aware that the use of Brong exhaust is very uncomfortable and disturbing to the community", he said.