Bawaslu Calls The 2024 Election Contestant In South Jakarta To Install APK Through Vendors

Commissioner of the South Jakarta General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) Ahmad Fahlevi said he had communicated with the contestants, namely political parties and legislative candidates (Caleg) regarding the installation of campaign props (APK) in his area.

According to Ahmad, the participants of the 2024 General Election in South Jakarta (Jaksel) admitted that they did not know the exact location of the APK installation because it was the work of the vendors (extortionists of APK) per person.

"Actually, from the start everyone knew. In PKPU 15 (KPU Regulation Number 15 of 2023) which is clearly a place that is prohibited anywhere," he said.

"It's just that again the election participants see, if they ask 'Mas rapidin together'. We never know, because I'm a legislative candidate, a legislative candidate uses a vendor. So they don't seem to know, put it together there," he continued.

Furthermore, Bawaslu invited the election participants to sit down together to solve the APB problem they violated. to prevent unwanted events.

"I also went to my election participants today. If there is an APK that is about to be dangerous, please, let's tidy up," he said.

Bawaslu meminta, untuk para peserta pemilu ini untuk lebih melihat secara luas yang terjadi apabila menempatkan APK yang berbahaya.

"If Bawaslu is done, only the election participants have not directly used their sensitivities. Come on, which one is about dangerous," he said.