Anies Talks About Revision Of The KPK Law And Ethics, Prabowo Alludes To High Income Guarantee For Judges To Eradicate Corruption
Presidential candidate number 1 Anies Baswedan spoke about the revision of the KPK Law and ethics as one aspect of eradicating corruption in this country. Meanwhile, presidential candidate number 2 Prabowo Subianto spoke about guaranteeing the income of law enforcement officers."I look at it from a system point of view, in terms of realism. So in my view, we must realistically regulate the quality of life of decision makers who control the wheels of government, especially those who hold a large budget, the quality of their life must be guaranteed and improved," said Prabowo at the KPK Juang Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Wednesday, January 17th.Prabowo claims that the quality of life guarantees have been carried out by developed countries and have proven to suppress corruption figures such as in America and Britain. In fact, said Prabowo, Supreme Court justices are guaranteed their positions for life."He (the supreme judge) can only stop if he is sick he asks to stop or he dies in America, that's in England. Then the head of the attorney general is a state official whose salary is highest, his official residence is bigger than the prime minister. The judges are guaranteed to earn so much that it can be said that he has no incentives for corruption at all, which I consider a systemic approach," Prabowo explained.Presidential Candidate Anies Baswedan is committed to completing the ratification of the Asset Confiscation Bill. This law is considered important to ensure a deterrent effect on corruptors.“We see the need for us to resolve laws or bill on confiscation of assets. corruptors must be impoverished. There is no other choice. This is a punishment that must be given, ” Anies said in PAKU Integrity (Strengthening Anti-Corruption for presidential and vice presidential candidates 2024) at the KPK, Wednesday, January 17.In his presentation, Anies also plans to encourage the ratification of the political funding bill. According to Anies, one of the main problems is that the activities of political parties as well as campaign activities do not provide sufficient space for funding from the state.
" “ Then we plan to give a decent gift to corrupt hunters. So that those who hunt for corruptors are not only officials from the KPK, the police, and the Prosecutor's Office, but all those who report hunting for them get an equal reward,” he said.