Nurul Ghufron KPK: Including Indonesia, Countries That Rely On IPK SDA Extraction Tend To Stagnant

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Nurul Ghufron said countries that depend on the extraction of natural resources have a stagnant Corruption Perception Index or GPA. Indonesia is included in it."Latin American countries, Asia and including Indonesia, whose main income in the natural resource extraction sector, such as mining, oil and others, requires a relationship between entrepreneurs and the authorities, whose average corruption rate is still stagnant at that point," explained Ghufron in his remarks in front of the presidential and vice presidential candidates who were present at the KPK Juang building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Wednesday, January 17.This is certainly different from business tang countries, especially based or based on services and trade. According to Ghufron, these countries' GPAs are relatively good every year."On average, countries whose main businesses are based or based on services and trading, the average GPA is good. Maybe this is a part that we need to pay close attention to in the future," explained Ghufron.Transparency International report shows that Indonesia's corruption perception index (IPK) was recorded at 34 points from a scale of 0-100 in 2022. This figure decreased by 4 points from the previous year.
This decline in the GPA also dropped Indonesia's GPA sequence globally. It is recorded that Indonesia's GPA in 2022 will rank 110th. In the previous year, Indonesia's GPA was ranked 96th globally.