6 Memory Adding Foods, Suitable For Brain Health
YOGYAKARTA - Many reasons why you can forget easily or forget your senses. Take for example the causes of lack of sleep, genetic disorders, fatigue due to physical activity, lifestyle, age, and environmental aspects. The good news is that certain foods can improve brain health and increase memory, you know! What are the foods that add memory? Follow the discussion below.
Basically, any food that is good for heart health can also help maximize brain health.
The reason is that a healthy heart can flow blood maximally throughout the body, including your brains.
This can help maintain brain function, including cognitive function, so that it can be an addition of memory or memory. Then, what kind of meal can be chosen?
Launching the Mayo Clinic Health System page, You can choose foods that have healthy fats and various plant-rich plant-based foods for the good of your brains.
Fitonutrient is an antioxidant compound found in various plants.
This compound can help slow down the aging process and reduce the risk of various diseases, including brain disease.
Then, what are the lists of foods that can increase memory? Here are the options for you.
1. salmon
Salmon and other fatty fish are at the top of the list of good foods for brain health.
The omega-3 fatty acid content that has salmon is needed by the brain to build cells and nerves. This fat acid also functions important to improve memory.
Not only salmon, you can also get these benefits from bloating fish, tuna, and sardines.
2. Eggs
Eggs are indeed a menu for many people's favorites because they are simple, but still delicious.
Although simple, it seems, eggs are also one of your foods to increase your memory. How come?
The reason is that eggs have a collin that functions in making neurotransmitters to control mood and memory.
Not only that, eggs have vitamin B which can help protect brain health and reduce the risk of stroke and Alzheimer's.
3. Blueberry
Blueberries and other black berries produce anthocyanin, plant compounds that have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
Antioxidants play a role in fighting oxidative stress that stimulates inflammation, a situation that can lead to brain aging.
Sourced from one of the 11 existing studies, blueberries are concluded to be able to help increase memory and certain cognitive processes in children and the elderly (elderly).
4. Coffee and tea
Without you knowing it, coffee and tea that you often consume can help strengthen your memory. You can get this efficacy thanks to the caffeine content in it.
Caffeine is known to play a psychostimulant that can spur information processing.
Thanks to this way of working, consuming coffee and tea in sufficient levels can also help increase short-term concentration.
5. Brokoli
Brokoli is one of the vegetables rich in vitamin K. This vitamin is needed to protect brain health.
Vitamin K functions important in shaping sphonolipids. The last name is a type of fat that is packed densely into brain cells.
Not only that, several researches in the elderly have also linked the network between vitamin K and better cognitive memory skills and status.
Outside of vitamin K, broccoli also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds that can protect the brain from damage.
6. Avocado
Avocados For You lovers of avocado or avocado, You deserve to be happy.
The reason is that avocado is not only delicious, but can also be one of the foods that adds memory. How come?
Avocado is one fruit that has a single unsaturated fat.
Single unsaturated fat is healthy fat which can protect the health of the heart and blood vessels. This can improve the health of the brain and the role of your memory.
In order to further support us, we have provided an article 'How to Improve Memory' so that your memory is even stronger.
So after knowing the food that adds memory, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!