Rajab Juhari Found Dead In Southwest Aceh Palm Oil Plantation, Family Says He Has A History Of North Sumatra

The Southwest Aceh Police (Polres) continues to investigate in revealing the death of a resident from Babahrot District, on oil palm plantations in the local district.Head of Team (Katim) TKP Polres Abdya Ipda Sufriadi Husaini said investigations were being carried out to determine the exact cause of death of the victim on behalf of Rajab Juhari (60)."We will also examine the witnesses and the victim's family to dig up further information," said Sufriadi in Southwest Aceh as reported by Antara, Friday, January 12.Rajab Juhari was found dead on the oil palm plantation land of PT Cemerlang Abadi (CA) in Cot Seumantok Village, Babahrot District, Abdya on Thursday at around 09.00 WIB.The victim, who is a resident of Blangraja Village, Babahrot, was found by residents under a roadside palm tree with a prone position.Apart from the victim's body, residents also found the victim's motorbike parked not far from the location of the discovery.Ipda Sufriadi said that his party rushed to the location after receiving a report from the security officer of PT CA, conducting a crime scene (TKP).Temporary results, he continued, found no signs of violence or irregularities on the victim's body. This is also reinforced by the results of the post-mortem carried out by the Babahrot Health Center medical officer."But from the information we got from the victim's stepson, the person concerned has a history of gout disease and shortness of breath. It is possible that the victim died from the disease,” he said.
The victim's body has been handed over to the family for burial. “ We are sorry for the death of the victim. We hope that the victim's family can endure this tragedy, ” he said.