CEO Robin AI: The Key To Overcoming The Risk Of 'AI Hallucination' Is The Presence Of Humans

Richard Robinson, CEO of Robin AI, assistant law based on artificial intelligence (AI), said that the key to reducing the risk of "AI halusination" is human, not technical. He stressed that legal professionals should not use artificial intelligence (AI) tools without proper supervision.

In an interview with Cointelegraph, Robinson stressed that although strong, AI is not a substitute for human quality such as judgment. AI can automate objective tasks, but the results must be examined rather than considered as final products.

"AI halusination" refers to events where AI systems produce inaccurate or incorrect outputs, interpretations, or predictions. This highlights the potential of AI algorithms to produce different results from the expected reality or results, causing errors or misunderstandings in their functions.

In October 2023, scientists from the University of Science and Technology of China and Tencent's YouTU Lab developed a tool to counter "AI halusination".

Robin AI is a special AI tool trained to understand legal documents, backed by Anthropic's assistant to artificial intelligence. Robin AI announced that it managed to raise $26 million in Series B funding, led by Singapore-based investment firm Temasek.

The CEO stated that the company does not agree that AI degrades the dignity of legal services, because the technology focuses on supporting the work of lawyers, not replacing them.

"We call our company Robin (that is, a Batman partner!) and call our product copilot because we believe this technology is about completing and supporting lawyers rather than replacing them," Robinson said.

Responding to Anthropic's election as launch partner rather than OpenAI's competitor, Robinson said that Robin AI found features of their large language model, such as a larger context window, more suitable for analyzing long and complex legal documents.

The chairman of the United States Supreme Court, John Roberts, released a year-end report on December 31, 2023, saying he predicts AI will have a significant impact on legal work.

According to Roberts, AI can "without any doubt help" the current justice system to push for the purpose of implementing the Federal Rules of Civil Procedures to achieve a "fair, fast, and cost-effective" settlement of cases.