Semarang District Court Holds Land Dispute Session In Genuk Industrial Estate

JATENG - The Semarang City District Court (PN) held a trial at the place of the dispute in the Genuk industrial area, Semarang City, Central Java (Central Java), Friday, January 5.

This trial was attended by legal counsel from two disputed businessmen, namely Setiawan's plaintiff and the defendant's team Daniel Budi Setiawan.

"It is welcome to show the boundaries of land according to the documents they have," said Chief Judge Judi Prasetya directly in charge of the trial, confiscated by Antara.

According to him, this local examination is an opportunity for the parties to prove their argument in the case.

The plaintiff's attorney, Michael Deo, showed land boundaries based on the SHM 1550/Genuksari certificate owned by his client.

According to him, there are overlapping and intersecting areas with land claimed by the defendant based on satellite imagery photos.

The origin of the defendant's land ownership, he said, was based on Book C of Village Number 715 Persil 54 Class S.III. with an area of 2,080 square meters.

Meanwhile, when the certificate was issued, he said, the area was 5,724 square meters.

The defendant's attorney, Wiwit Rijanto, said that the certificate claimed by the plaintiff did not have the name Daniel Budi Setiawan.

According to Wiwit, his client has been buying the disputed land since 1982 and then certified it in 1983.

"If BPN admits the defendant's SHM 1550/Genuksari certificate, the plaintiff's certificate should have limits on the name of our client," he added.

After the local examination, Judge Judi Prasetya said the trial would continue in the next two weeks for examination of evidence and witnesses.