TKN Will Report Central Jakarta Bawaslu To DKPP After Gibran's Call

JAKARTA - The Prabowo-Gibran National Campaign Team (TKN) will report the Central Jakarta City Bawaslu to the Election Organizers Honorary Council (DKPP) on the grounds of unprofessionalism as an election organizer.

"We will report the chairman and members of the Central Jakarta Bawaslu to the DKPP for reasons of unprofessionalism," said Deputy Commander of Alpha TKN Prabowo-Gibran, Fritz Edward Siregar, Tuesday, January 2.

He explained that the first reason for the unprofessionalism was because the Central Jakarta City Bawaslu sent an unreasonable summons from the year inclusion on the date of summons.

"Earlier, it was stated that we could not turn around the time to attend the Central Jakarta Bawaslu on January 2, 2023," he said.

The second unprofessionalism, he said, was due to the uncertainty of the Central Jakarta City Bawaslu in following up on the findings of alleged campaign violations.

The former Bawaslu member said that based on Bawaslu Regulation Number 7 of 2022 concerning Handling Findings and Reports of Election Violations, the report was followed up a maximum of seven days since the alleged violation was discovered.

"That is the time held by the Central Jakarta Bawaslu to follow up on an alleged violation and now we can see if the 7 days are calculated from December 3, 2023 or calculated since when?" he said.

He also emphasized that the presence of the candidate for vice president number 2 Gibran Rakabuming Raka during the free-car free day along Jalan Thamrin to the HI Roundabout, Jakarta, on December 3, 2023 was not an act of campaign violation.

"The December 3, 2023 incident is not a campaign action, Mas Gibran is not wearing clothes or campaign attributes, does not invite voters, does not spread campaign vision and mission, does not have an image of himself, which does not fulfill the campaign element as referred to by PKPU 15 of 2023," he said.

Previously, the Central Jakarta City Bawaslu in a letter numbered 061/PP.01.02/K.JK-03/12/2023 asked Gibran to come to the Central Jakarta City Bawaslu Secretariat on Tuesday, January 2, 2023 at 13.00 WIB to provide clarification on alleged campaign violations in the free day area of motor vehicles along Jalan Thamrin to the Hotel Indonesia Roundabout (HI) on December 3, 2023. The summons was signed by the Chairman of the Central Jakarta City Bawaslu Christian Nelson Pangkey in Jakarta on December 29, 2023. In the letter, Bawaslu scheduled Gibran to provide his clarification directly to the chairman and members of the Central Jakarta Bawaslu.