Israel Admits 170 Soldiers Died During Land Operations In Gaza, 29 Of Them Shot By Their Own Friends

JAKARTA - Israel Defense Forces (IDF) in its latest data admits that about 179 troops were killed during a land operation in the Gaza Strip, Palestine to confront the Hamas militant group.

The IDF explained that eighteen soldiers died from friend shots due to misidentification, including in airstrikes and tank shootings, reported by The Times of Israel January 1.

"Two soldiers died from gunfire that was not meant to hit them," he continued.

"Nine soldiers died in accidents, including the accidental discharge of weapons, were hit and hit by shrapnel from controlled destruction," the IDF said.

Since the start of ground operations, between two and six Israeli soldiers have been killed each week in shooting incidents or accidents, according to IDF data.

The IDF assesses that there are many reasons for causing the deadly accident, including the large number of troops operating in Gaza, communication problems between troops, and military fatigue and not paying attention to regulations.

It is known that currently there are thousands of infantry troops, tanks, and other troops in Gaza who took part in Israel's ground attack on Hamas, which operates in dense settlements in the Gaza Strip.

The military said it was constantly assessing ongoing fighting, including cases of firefighting and quickly implementing the lessons learned.