History Of COVID-19: Appears In Wuhan And Spreads To Indonesia
JAKARTA - The presence of the corona virus pandemic or COVID-19 has shocked the world. Wuhan was also asked to be the center of the spread of the virus. The death rate is increasing. The problem became even more complicated when the world failed to anticipate viruses that attack the respiratory system.
The virus from Wuhan was underestimated. In fact, some view COVID-19 as a punishment to China. Certain religions are considered not to be infected. Everything was silenced. COVID-19 in fact does not recognize religion. Indonesia as a Muslim country was also torn apart by COVID-19.
Li Wenliang is an important figure who detects the corona virus in Wuhan. The ophthalmologist was surprised by the lab results of a patient who was infected with the virus. The narrative prompted Li to immediately disseminate information regarding the strange virus which he considered a new type of acute respiratory syndrome virus (SARS).
WeChat's social media became the medium for spreading information on December 30, 2019. The information then spread everywhere. The Wuhanisi was hit by panic. Because, China once had a bad experience related to the virus that attacks the acute respiratory system, SARS.
Instead of Li's message being immediately considered input by the Chinese government, the owner of the power to reprimand Li and her colleagues who participated in spreading viral news. Li and friends are considered to be disturbing public order. Even though the news related to the new virus has been spreading everywhere.
The official website of the Wuhan Health Commission has begun to attach information related to the dangerous virus. Li's struggle and friends got results. The World Health Organization (WHO) branch office in China began to smell the presence of an acute respiratory virus case in Wuhan on December 31, 2019.
At that time more than 100 residents of Wuhan were considered to have contracted the virus. The Chinese government and WHO are also said to be less responsive. There is no careful effort to reduce the transmission rate. Big action was taken only when the transmission rate began to rise in Wuhan.
The power of attorney then took the initiative to close the city of Wuhan on January 23, 2020. As a result, the world failed to anticipate the spread of the virus. In fact, the virus from China tends to be underestimated. Many Muslims consider the presence of the corona as a punishment to China for oppressing Uighur Muslims.
Other opinions linking religion and the corona virus continue to roll. This condition continued until WHO also had the official name virus from Wuhan: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), or later known as COVID-19 in February 2020.
The problem is, the corona virus does not look at religion. Wuhan residents are not only adherents of Tao or atheist-communist, there is an official note about Muslim Hui Wuhan who died due to the corona outbreak. The Muslim population of Hui Wuhan alone is almost two percent of the total population of 11 million, they have four main mosques in Wuhan.
When the corona virus spreads globally, it is clear that the corona virus does not care about religion. Many Muslim-based citizens such as Iran, Indonesia, Malaysia, Egypt, Turkey and beyond are also affected. Previously, several Islamic-oriented online media spread the fake news (fake) of Turkey as a Corona virus-free country, "explained Azumardi Azra in the bookRagam Perspective Impact of COVID-19 (2021).
The Chinese government's neglect to close the Wuhan area must be paid dearly. The transmission of the corona virus is increasingly massive. In fact, it spread throughout the world. All because of the traces of the journey of people traveling from and to Wuhan before the area was closed.
The assumption that COVID-19 only attacks religion, climate, or certain groups has begun to break down by itself. Indonesia as a country with a majority of Muslims is also dizzy by the COVID-19 storm.
The Indonesian government also officially announced that the corona virus entered Indonesia in March 2020. The transmission of COVID-19 started in Depok, West Java. All because patient 01 (Sita TYasutami), patient 02 (Maria Darmaningsih), and patient 03 (Ratri Anidyajati) came from Depok.
The transmission is considered to stem from Sita's activity of dancing with a Japanese citizen (later contracting COVID-19) in February 2020. The meeting made a prolonged cough confiscation until it finally tested positive. However, many experts doubt that COVID-19 entered in March 2020.
COVID-19 is considered to have entered from the beginning of the year. This assumption is considering that the Indonesian government does not close the doors of international flights. This condition in fact brings disaster. Every day the number of COVID-19 reliefs is increasing.
Panic arises throughout Indonesia. COVID-19 not only makes the death rate increase, but all sectors are affected. These sectors include transportation to business. Many businesses went out of business. Unemployment appears everywhere.
The Indonesian government also continues to strive to perpetuate solutions. Among other things, calls for social distancing, working from home, and encouraging mass vaccination. Policies related to helping victims of COVID-19 such as social assistance are given. Even if all steps taken are far from the maximum word.
President Jokowi announced that two Indonesian citizens had contracted COVID-19. Both are mothers and children living in Depok, West Java. They had contact with a Japanese citizen who tested positive for the new coronavirus on February 27, 2020 in Malaysia. More than a week later, on March 11, the World Health Organization (WHO) officially declared COVID-19 a global pandemic.
Three months after his first case appeared in Wuhan, China, at the end of 2019, COVID-19 had infected more than 126,000 people in 123 countries. On March 31, Jokowi signed a Government Regulation in Lieu of Law Number 1 of 2020 concerning financial policy and financial system stability for handling COVID-19," wrote Tempo magazine report entitled Flashback March 2020: President Jokowi Announces First COVID-19 Cases (2020).