Playing In A Film With A Javanese Background, Leony Will Use The Kebaya Clothing For The First Time

JAKARTA - Former child actress Leony Vitria Hartanti alias Leony will play in a film directed by MAF World Pictures and Bianglala Entertainment production house entitled Ambar. The film is planned to start filming in January 2024.

In this film, Leony will play a mother named Rahayu who has the profession of being a fairly famous child shaman in the village.

"I'm here to be Rahayu. Rahayu is the role of a child shaman in the city, a fairly famous child shaman in the village," said Leony in Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Wednesday, December 13.

To play this character, Leony admitted that he would have a change in appearance. Because it has a location background in Central Java, especially Yogyakarta, Leony will wear kebaya clothes.

"Yes. So, I don't know if I can be told now or not, but never mind, because the settings in Jogja so I will work, I will dress Central Java," he said.

Not only in clothing, for hair appearance, this 36-year-old woman will also use hair connection because currently her hair is too short.

"Is it confusing for you to have bondol hair? Later in my hair extension, so later there will be significant changes in appearance because the character requires me to be Javanese mother," explained Leony.

According to Leony, this role is an unusual role for him because throughout his career, he has never been cast to become a traditional birth attendant. Therefore, according to him, this is his first debut as a Javanese mother.

"First (as Javanese mother)," he said.