Failed Wild Race, Police Hit By Racers In Makassar

MAKASSAR - A racer in Makassar, South Sulawesi, was desperate to hit a police officer who was about to break up the illegal race, Monday, December 11 night.

The forced disbandment of the motorist group with a Brong exhaust that wanted to hold a wild racing action was carried out by the Makassar City Police Precise Pioneer Team on Jalan Andi Pangerang Pettarani.

In the midst of the disbandment, one of the motorist groups was desperate to break through the police line while trying to make interception efforts after previously being involved in a chase using a motorbike. They were desperate to hit the police using a motorbike before finally being intercepted by other police.

"The motorcycle group came from the direction of Gowa through Bouelevard. Then we got it and we disbanded it because it used a Brong exhaust by shipping. He slipped, so it slipped in the middle so that it stuck there and hit the exhaust," said the Head of Ops of the Makassar Polrestabes, AKBP Darminto, Tuesday 12 December.

There were three groups of motorists who were arrested and were immediately subject to a ticket after being handed over to the Makassar Police Traffic Unit for driving without a helmet and using a Brong exhaust.

"After we secured three motorbikes that we confiscated, we handed them over to the Traffic Unit for a ticket," he said.

The regional security patrol by the Makassar City Police Precise Pioneer Team continues to be improved and intensified ahead of Nataru and elections in order to maintain the conducive situation of the region, especially at night from all disturbances to public order or Kamtibmas.