74 Victims Of The Marapi Eruption Found, SAR Team Still Looking For 1 Person

BUKITTINGGI - Head of the Padang City Search and Rescue (SAR) Office, West Sumatra (West Sumatra) Abdul Malik said that until the fourth day of the search, the joint team was still looking for one victim of the eruption of Mount Marapi who had not been found.

"Of the 75 survivors, the joint team has found 74 people, and one is still being searched," said Padang City SAR Office Head Abdul Malik in Agam Regency, quoted by ANTARA Wednesday, December 6.

Abdul said that of the 74 victims, SAR Padang confirmed that 22 people were declared dead, and 52 victims were successfully evacuated safely.

Especially for one climber who has yet to be found, he ensured that a joint team of 50 selected personnel would try their best to find them.

"We will continue to carry out SAR operations in accordance with the SOP, which is seven days from December 3", he said.

In line with that, Commander of Kodim 0304 Agam Lt. Col. Arm Bayu Ardhitya Nugroho said specifically the search for the fourth day the joint team deployed 50 personnel to look for one victim who had not been found.

"The TNI is committed to carrying out the evacuation to completion and of course this will be decided together," he said.

Additional information, based on information from the Batu Palano Nagari (village) device, the number of victims that have not been found is estimated to be more than five people. Because, there are still points that have not been traced.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Bukittinggi City Police, Senior Commissioner (Kombes) Yessi Kurniati, said the 75 climbers referred to data confirmed by the West Sumatra Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA).

However, he did not deny that there were quite a lot of entrances to Mount Marapi, especially unofficial ones.

"So, we also anticipate climbers who are not registered," he said.