The History Of The Specialties Of Yogyakarta Seda Indonesia Merdeka

JAKARTA - The Sultanate of Yogyakarta and Kadipaten Pakualaman have played a major role in the history of the Indonesian nation. Both of them declared themselves part of Indonesia shortly after the proclamation of independence. The narrative was like the lighter of the two of them helping Indonesia's struggle in the Revolutionary War (1945-1949).

Yogyakarta is prepared as the State Capital (IKN). Everything is provided. From operational costs, buildings, to employee salaries. The Indonesian government also returned services. The owner of the power gives the privilege of the region: Special Region of Yogyakarta.

Yogyakarta's fragrant name in the history of the struggle of the Indonesian nation against colonialism is second to none. The two high-ranking monarchy officials - Sultanate of Yogyakarta, Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX and Kadipaten Pakualaman, Paku Alam VIII - fully support Indonesia's independence.

The two immediately congratulated the day after all national figures sounded the proclamation of Indonesia's independence. The support is not just a mere pleasant. Both represent the entire people of Yogyakarta as part of Indonesia on September 5, 1945.

The decision was greeted with great fanfare. Instead of only the government, the people of Yogyakarta, then Indonesia also welcomed him with joy. even though this momentum was injured by the Dutch arrival through the banner of the Dutch East Indies Civil Government (NICA) to colonize again.

The arrival of the Dutch colonialists changed everything. The condition of Jakarta as the center of Indonesia's power is not doing well. State officials and national figures are increasingly threatened with their lives by the Dutch. This condition is not allowed to drag on. The option to stay in Jakarta is like waiting for the time to lose.

The option of moving IKN from Jakarta to Yogyakarta is perpetuated. Yogyakarta leaders welcomed the narrative. Ide moving IKN is considered brilliant. Because, Yogyakarta can promise security. All kinds of things related to the wheels of government are borne by the Sultanate together with Pakualaman Yogyakarta.

They provide buildings, operational costs, and salaries of government employees. All of this was removed from the royal treasury.

"However, there was one thing that was unforgettable in the era of Military Aggression II in Yogyakarta for us as a family. And it seems that also for Republican fighters who live in the city of Yogya! Because I don't receive salaries anymore due to chaotic circumstances, especially since high state officials are held on the island of the Nation and Brastagi! For my daily meals I work at Pinocchio Restaurants. And Mery (Hoegeng's wife) has to sell satay and other food there too. Life is very difficult.

But one day someone came to deliver money to the house. The amount was also large at 12.50 guilders, understand NICA's high exchange rate. However, the guilder money was given in the form of all coins! By introduction it was added, that it was: money from the Sultan," explained Hoegeng Imam Santoso (Kapolri era 1968-1971) as written by Abrar Yusra and Ramadhan KH in the book Hoegeng: Police Idaman and Reality (1993).

The contribution of the leadership of Yogyakarta to the nation and state is quite large. This narrative then made Indonesia able to stand tall even though it was hit by a storm of Revolutionary War. National figures were also able to show their spurs in a variety of diplomacy.

Perjuangan itu semakin terbayar ketika Belanda mau mengakui kedaulatan Indonesia pada Konferensi Deskon Bundar (KMB). Pun pun penandatan penyerahan kedaulatan secara paripurna digelangsungkan dengan cepat.

The Dam Palace in the Netherlands and the Rijswijk Palace (now: State Palace) witnessed the handover of Indonesia's sovereignty on December 27, 1949. This status made Jakarta return to become IKN to replace Yogyakarta.

This condition did not make the Indonesian government forget the contribution of the Yogyakarta leader. President Soekarno also emphasized that the status of Yogyakarta is special compared to other regions in Indonesia.

The government also gave awards and support in the form of the issuance of Law No. 3/1950 on the Privileges of Yogyakarta along with a set of other legal products. A privilege legitimacy that can provide space for his officials to become king and head of government.

With President Sukarno's answer, the position of the two remained and was maintained until both of them departed. The constitution, namely article 18, explains the first basic state law - known as the 1945 Constitution after the Decree of the President 5 July 1959 - clearly provides space to maintain that position. In the explanation there is a sentence: These areas have original structure, and therefore can be considered as special areas.

Along the course of the republic, both during the leadership of democracy and the New Order government, the privileged positions of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta and Pakualaman were never a problem. Even Sultan Hamengkubuwo IX appeared as a national figure, became minister many times, even the last to occupy the position of Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia. Meanwhile, Paku Alam VIII, as deputy governor of the regional head, became a gullkeeper who practically, de facto, ran the government of the Sultanate of the Special Region of Yogyakarta," said historian Anwar Gonggong in his writing in Tempo Magazine entitled Specialty of Yogyakarta: Historical Basin (2010).