According To Research, Psychological Factors That Lower The Risk Of Cardiovascular Disease: Grateful

YOGYAKARTA Many tasks and roles sometimes leave a person without free time. Even to stop for a moment and be grateful for what has been achieved, it didn't happen. After knowing the discovery of this research, you certainly have to take the time to take a break and breathe for a moment. The reason is, psychological factors such as optimism and the goal of reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. These two factors, there is one way that is praxically easy to implement, namely gratitude.

The researchers define gratitude as a tendency for a person to appreciate positive things in life. There are two types of gratitude, reported by Well+Good, Tuesday, November 28, first, gratitude that is positional and second, feelings and statements of gratitude in certain situations when assisted.

Disposive gratitude is associated with a decrease in inflammation and an increase in endothelial function. Both are important for heart health, where endothelium is a thin membrane that coats the heart and blood vessels. In the study, patients with asymptomatic heart failure are asked to integrate the practice of gratitude in their lives. They are also asked to note 3-5 things they value every day. For eight weeks, this habit reduces inflammation.

Heart health is also associated with stress-resistant. With high stress, the risk of a heart attack increases. chronic and cumulative stress, such as work-related stress, is associated with an increase of 40 percent of cardiovascular disease, according to the American Heart Association (AHA).

Psychological doctoral researcher at Maynooth University, Ireland, Brian Leavy, MSc., shows that people with a high attitude of gratitude have a less chance of suffering from a heart attack six years later. Gratitude, increased cardiovascular reactions and recovery from psychological stress. The reason why gratitude can reduce stress, most likely from psychosocial.

Levy said, people who are more grateful tend to have friends and quality relationships. That way, they get a lot of social support. This was confirmed by psychologist Stephen Gallagher, Ph.D., who explained that social relationships are a strong determinant of health. Because the environment plays a role in shaping healthy habits, such as eating patterns and regular exercise.

Gratitude is not a substitute for healthy behavior that reduces cardiovascular risk. However, gratefully will motivate someone to adopt healthy behavior, according to Harvard's psychiatrist, Jeff Huffman, MD.

"In the context of heart attacks, feeling grateful for health, life, and so on, it seems to be associated with doing healthy behavior that leads to long life," explained Huffman.

He also researched and found that people with higher gratitude levels two weeks after a heart attack also reported that they were running a healthy lifestyle, taking regular drugs, exercising more, and better health quality and lower levels of anxiety.