Minister Of Environment And Forestry Emphasized The Role Of Forest Police As The Front Guard For Security

JAKARTA - Minister of Environment and Forestry (LHK) Siti Nurbaya Bakar emphasized the importance of the role of forest police as the frontline of security in the areas of the end as well as the wilderness of Indonesia. "The skill and capacity of forest police are very important," he said in a statement in Jakarta, Thursday, November 23, confiscated by Antara. On November 23, 2023, Minister Siti carried out a ceremony to close education and training for forest police formation at Situ Gunung Sukabumi Field, West Java (Jabar). He acted, as a ceremony inspector who was also attended by high leadership officials of the middleya and KLHK Pratama, Head of the National Police Education and Training Center, Director of Community Potential Development of Baharkam Polri, Principal of the Formation of Police Officers, Head of the Provincial Forestry Service, as well as Head of UPT KLHK, as well as education and training participants. In an effort to support the duties and functions of forest police as one of the functional positions of KLHK assisted by KLHK, he said, various efforts to improve competence will continue and further improve. In addition, the procedures for forest police work at various levels of central and regional institutions are also continuously sharpened and synchronized so that forest protection and security efforts can be carried out more effectively. He admitted that he had instructed the Secretary General of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, the Head of the LHK HR Counseling and Development Agency, the Director General of Gakkum and the Director General of KSDAE to prepare academic papers for the need for forest police formation at the landed level and the master plan for human resource development as a common clue.

Polisi hutan, lanjut dia, secara historis telah dirasakan sumbangsih dan kerja nyata di setiap perjalanan bangsa dalam mewujudkan cita-cita nasional melalui berbagai aktivitas pengelolaan sumber daya alam hutan dan keanekaragaman hayati.Menteri Siti menyampaikan tiga pesan yang harus dilakukan sebagai anggota polisi hutan, baik di lingkup KLHK maupun institusi di pemerintahan daerah, yakni pertama menampilkan versi terbaik kualitas diri dengan terus menjaga integritas dan meningkatkan kinerja secara profesional.Kedua, membangun strategi proaktif dan preventif dengan tindakan yang humanis, serta ketiga terus memperkuat koordinasi dan kerja sama dengan jajaran lembaga Polri, TNI, dan elemen masyarakat lainnya secara inklusif.Peserta pendidikan dan pelatihan 487 orang terdiri atas 441 laki-laki dan 46 perempuan.

A total of 388 people are KLHK forest police from the Directorate General of KSDAE 315 people, the Directorate General of Law Enforcement LHK 56 people, and the Directorate General of Climate Change Control 16 people, as well as 99 local government agencies.