If You Are Regular In Sports, Here Are 7 Benefits You Get
YOGYAKARTA Never bad exercise has an effect on the health of the body. Although regular exercise does not always guarantee a healthy body, efforts to get a number of positive benefits do not seem in vain. To motivate you to exercise regularly, here are the benefits you get.
Exercise can help prevent excess weight gain. This can also help maintain weight. Even at a certain level, exercise is also useful for losing weight when done regularly. The more intense sporting activity, the more calories are burned.
Whatever your current weight, exercise regularly lowers unhealthy triglycerides, increases cholesterol production of good or HPL, and makes blood flow smoothly. These factors support heart health and avoid cardiovascular disease.
For people who regularly exercise, stress or work pressure, for example, can be resolved. Although it cannot avoid stress, but with exercise it will feel happier, relaxed, and reduce anxiety.
With physical activity or exercise, muscle strength and endurance increases. Exercise sends oxygen and nutrients to the body's tissue and helps cardiovascular systems work more efficiently. That means you have more energy because your heart is healthy and your lungs are working well.
Difficulty sleeping can be overcome naturally when you regularly exercise. It's just that don't exercise too close to bedtime. Give time off so that energy decreases after exercise, then sleep well.
Regular physical activity can increase energy levels and make you more physically confident. That means regular exercise is useful for increasing sex life. More than that, regular exercise is associated with sexual desire that many women get. In men, regular exercise is useful in reducing the potential for erectile dysfunction.
Adding social and fun networks
Exercise and physical activity feel good. Because it will give you the opportunity to relax and help connect with new friends, and build a fun social atmosphere.
Those are the seven benefits of regular exercise. Have you done it? Of course it will benefit health optimally if followed by a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle.