If Firli Responds To The Call Of The KPK Council But Is Absent From Police Examination, Novel: Obviously Underestimating Polda Metro

JAKARTA - Former senior investigator of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Novel Baswedan opened his voice regarding the absence of KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri during an investigation by investigators from the Ditreskrimsus Polda Metro Jaya. Recently, Firli was also absent when asked to clarify the KPK Supervisory Board (Dewas).

Both Polda Metro Jaya and Dewas KPK have rescheduled the examination of Firli. According to Novel, there is bad faith if the KPK frontman fulfills the summons of the KPK Council, but is absent from the summons of Polda Metro Jaya investigators.

"Legal people must know that if there is a summons and invitations at the same time, what must be attended is a summons. If Firli does not attend the summons from the Metro Police tomorrow and attends the invitation from the KPK Council, it is clear that it does not respect/memphasizes Polda Metro investigators," Novel said on his social-X media account, Monday, November 13 evening.

Firli was originally questioned by the KPK Council regarding the alleged ethical violation of the extortion of former Agriculture Minister Syahrul Yasin Limpo or SYL today, Monday, November 13.

However, Firli requested that the KPK Council be examined on the same day when Polda Metro Jaya had scheduled a further examination of him in the alleged extortion case against SYL tomorrow, Tuesday, November 14.

Separately, KPK Council Member Albertina Ho emphasized that Firli Bahuri would not be questioned tomorrow, Tuesday, November 14. This is because the ethical examination of the alleged meeting between him and SYL should be held today.

"The examination (Firli -, ed) today. If it is not present, it will be rescheduled next week," Albertina said in a written statement, Monday, November 13.

KPK Council member Syamsuddin Haris added that Firli insisted that he would attend to the summons for examination of alleged ethical violations tomorrow. In fact, the KPK Council has sent a rescheduling letter since Friday, November 10.

Rescheduling because the KPK Council must hold a working meeting (raker) tomorrow Tuesday, November 14. Therefore, Firli's summons are scheduled the day before.

"Mr. FB is not here to ask for a check on Tuesday," said Syamsuddin when confirmed separately.