Failure To Revise The Election Bill, AHY Is Suggested To Evaluate The Cadre, Not Looking For A Scapegoat
JAKARTA - The Democrat Party under the leadership of Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) should evaluate the party's internals regarding the failure to speak out on the Revised Bill on Election issues. Not looking for another shooting target.
Namely by raising the issue related to the cancellation of the discussion of the Election Bill in the House of Representatives (DPR) as a strategy or way for President Joko Widodo to prepare 'Crown Prince' Gibran Rakabuming Raka in the DKI Jakarta Regional Election in 2024.
"Proses politik di DPR, tentu Fraksi Demokrat sangat faham. Tidak bisa ujug-ujug, ada proses diskusi, lobby dan lain sebagainya. Mestinya AHY sebagai ketua umum, mengevaluasi fraksinya, jika keinginan merevisi UU pemilu gagal dilaksanakan. Bukan lalu mencari-cari atau mencurigai sesuatu tidak terlibat dalam proses tersebut," kata Pengurus Pusat Bamusi dalam keterangan resmi yang diterima VOI, Jakarta, Minggu, 14 Februari.
"The political process in the DPR, of course, the Democratic Faction really understands. It cannot be said, there is a process of discussion, lobbying, and so on. AHY as the general chairman should evaluate the faction if the desire to revise the election law fails to be implemented. Not looking or suspecting that something is not involved in the process" said the Central Bamusi in an official statement received by VOI, Jakarta, Sunday, February 14.
As the Central Executive of Bamusi, the PDIP wing organization, Mahmuddin suggested that the Democrat Party should further improve the performance of the party. Likewise, with AHY, who will be promoted as a presidential candidate in 2024, he should work seriously in order to win the 'hearts' of the people.
"Creations and real works will certainly get good value in the eyes of the public. That is better as social capital to face the 2024 elections. After all, the election is still long. So this is the time to work and serve the people. Not throwing away words that have no logical basis and clear facts," he said.
Previously he said that the accusations by the Democrat Party about President Joko Widodo's interests of not continuing the discussion of the Election Bill to prepare Gibran Rakabuming Raka to run in the DKI Jakarta Pilkada were excessive.
"This kind of suspicion is too far-fetched. Although in politics, suspicion or speculation is not prohibited, these allegations are baseless and have strong logical rests," he said.
According to Mahmuddin, this accusation proves the Democrat Party seems to be in confusion with the existence of its party lately. In addition, there are no Democratic cadres who can be taken into account in various political momentum. So that efforts to drag the popularity and existence of parties and figures seem increasingly uncertain.