Already Advised To Be Naughty, 7 Tin Illegal Miners In Bangkalan Babel Arrested By Police
The police arrested seven illegal tin ore miners who were active in the waters of Keranggan, Mentok District, West Bangka, Bangka Belitung Islands Province (Babel).
"We arrested them while operating at night, we found a number of evidences of illegal mining equipment and products, which we then confiscated," said West Bangka Police Unit Head Iptu Yudi Lasmono in Mentok, Wednesday, November 8, confiscated by Antara.
He explained that the West Bangka Police had conducted several socializations and appeals to the public not to mine tin ore in several water locations in Mentok District.
Socialization and appeals have been carried out, both conveyed directly to miners and through banners and similar media, but there are still mining that is carried out secretly at night.
"Yesterday night a number of Polair Unit personnel carried out routine patrols in the waters and found groups of residents who carried out mining so that strict enforcement and action were carried out," he said.
The miners at the time the patrol team arrived were carrying out mining activities with a diving pontoon mining pattern.
"There are seven illegal mining actors, members of the Polairud Unit also secured evidence in the form of a diving pontoon unit and the perpetrators are still being investigated," he said.
He said all illegal mining activities in the Tembelok Beach and Keranggan areas would be taken decisive action in accordance with applicable regulations.
"It is hoped that this firm action can provide a deterrent effect to the community so that there will be no more illegal mining activities. If we are still carrying out mining activities in the area, we will continue to act," he said.
He said patrols would continue to be carried out regularly to prevent illegal mining activities in these locations.