PKS Waits For The Advanced Episode Of 'Political Drama' After MKMK Fires Anwar Usman

JAKARTA - The chairman of the PKS DPP, Mardani Ali Sera, welcomed the decision of the Honorary Council of the Constitutional Court (MKMK) which dismissed the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Anwar Usman because he was proven to have violated the code of ethics related to the Constitutional Court's decision regarding the minimum age lawsuit of the vice presidential candidate. Mardani assessed that the Constitutional Court's decision was a breath of fresh air for Indonesian democracy. His party is waiting for the latest episode of political drama that has occurred recently. "Bravo MKMK. A decision that gives freshness to democracy. Will it roll out as a snowball effect? We are waiting for the next episode," said Mardani to reporters, Wednesday, November 8. It is known that the Constitutional Court's decision was previously considered controversial because it was allegedly for the sake of nominating President Jokowi's eldest son, Gibran Rakabuming became Prabowo Subianto's vice presidential candidate. MK was then referred to as 'Fami' because the chairman of the Constitutional Court was Gibran's uncle or Jokowi's brother-in-law. The member of Commission II of the DPR also revealed that political ethics and logic must be put forward in the upcoming 2024 election. "We maintain ethics and logic in building the nation," said Mardani. It is known, the Constitutional Court Honorary Council (MKMKK) decided to impose sanctions against Anwar Usman as Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court for violating the code of ethics and the behavior of the Constitutional Court judge regarding the decision on the case of the presidential candidate's age limit.

"Declare that the reported judge is proven to have committed a serious violation of the code of ethics and behavior of the constitutional judge, as stated in Sapta Karsa Hutama, the principle of impartiality, principle of integrity, principle of competence and equality, independence and appropriateness and politeness," said the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, Jimly Asshidiqqie, in reading his decision at the Constitutional Court Building, Jakarta, Tuesday, November 7.

For this proof, the MKMK imposed sanctions for dismissing Anwar Usman from the position of chairman of the Constitutional Court.

"Ordered the deputy chairman of the Constitutional Court within 2x24 hours of the completion of this decision, leading the implementation of the new leadership election, in accordance with statutory regulations," added Jimly.