Ayu Aulia Reported, Gege Fransiska Has Not Received A Summon

JAKARTA - The feud between fellow celebrities Ayu Aulia and Gege Fransiska is still ongoing. Not long ago, Ayu Aulia was present at the South Jakarta Metro Police regarding 2 reports she submitted against Gege Fransiska, namely persecution and the ITE Law.

Today, Wednesday, October 25, it was Gege Fransiska's turn to be present at the South Jakarta Metro Police. He explained that his presence was to examine the domestic violence report against her husband Dheri Hero Rianto.

"Today's agenda I am checking the progress of the domestic violence case," said Gege Fransiska at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Wednesday, October 25.

Furthermore, when asked about Ayu Aulia's report against her, Gege said that there had been no summons for her. In fact, he did not even know what report Ayu Aulia made.

"For AA's report, we don't know yet because so far there has been no summons. If we are normative, yes. That's just what he said, and the issue he said AA made a report at the South Jakarta Police. We don't know what to do yet, we don't know yet," said Gege Fransiska.

Selebgram and model Ayu Aulia made a police report to the South Jakarta Metro Police on Tuesday (3/10) yesterday. Ayu reported a woman named Gege Fransiska, who played Lokahita in the Anngling Dharma series, for alleged abuse.

Ayu Aulia's report against Gege Fransiska is registered with the number LP/B/2981/X/2023/SPKT/POLRES METRO JAKSEL/POLDA METRO JAYA 03 OKTOBER 2023. Ayu reported Gege with Article 351 of the Criminal Code concerning Persecution with a maximum penalty of 5 years in prison.