IDF Ready To Carry Out Land Attack On Gaza, Israeli Defense Minister Says It Takes 1-3 Months To Eliminate Hamas

JAKARTA - Israel's defense minister said it would take time to eliminate Hamas, with the Israeli military (IDF) ready to carry out ground operations to Gaza, in order to realize its final target of killing the Palestinian militant group.

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said the maneuvers carried out by the IDF would not just stop, regarding efforts to eliminate the Palestinian militant group Hamas.

"In terms of operational maneuvering, in the end, no one can stop the IDF," said Defense Minister Yoav Gallant when giving a statement as quoted by his office, launching Sky News October 23.

However, Defense Minister Gallant said if its troops entered Gaza it would be "the last maneuver operation in Gaza" for the Israeli military.

"It may take one month, two or three months, but in the end there will be no more Hamas," said Defense Minister Gallant, according to his office.

Meanwhile, the IDF believes to achieve the war goal against Hamas, set by government officials, the military must start a ground attack on the Gaza Strip as soon as possible, as quoted by The Times of Israel.

Israel itself says its war on Hamas aims to destroy the militant group's infrastructure, and has pledged to eliminate the entire organization.

Setelah 16 hari melakukan serangan udara, IDF mengatakan mereka sepenuhnya siap untuk serangan darat terhadap Pala Gaza, percaya mereka dapat mencapai tujuan yang ditetapkan, meski dengan risiko jatuhnya banyak korban dan saling serang serang serangan berulang dengan kelompok Hezbollah.

The military also believes ground attacks could actually pressure Hamas to release further hostages. The IDF hopes the government will immediately make decisions regarding ground attacks, as its troops have been stationed at the border.

He added that the Israeli Air Force has so far carried out attacks on more than 10,000 targets in Hamas' Gaza and other terror groups.

The attacks in recent days have focused on eliminating potential threats to ground troops, including sniper and missile positions.

Not only that, but the IDF also said that its soldiers took part in training to increase the readiness and ability for ground operations in Gaza.

"The IDF troops in mandatory and reserve services are conducting various exercises, to improve the readiness and capability of troops for ground operations in the Gaza Strip," the military statement said, quoted by CNN.

He added that this exercise was carried out in the form of a combat team, combining the Infantry Corps, the Armored Corps and other units.