Smuggling Methamphetamine In Semarang Prison, Mode Entered Into Tennis Ball

Semarang - Semarang prison officer, Central Java, thwarted an attempt to smuggle methamphetamine-type narcotics by throwing from outside the prison walls.Plh Kalapas Semarang Supriyanto, said the attempt to smuggle methamphetamine into a tennis ball occurred on Sunday, October 1 night. He explained that the disclosure began when picket officers found a suspicious object in the area between the wall of the residential block and the outermost wall of the prison. "It turned out that a tennis ball was wrapped in a blue plaster," said Supriyanto as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, October 2. According to him, prison security officers then opened the tennis ball in which a small package was found to be suspected of drugs. The findings, he continued, were forwarded to the Ngaliyan Police for further treatment. He said that from the results of the examination, the package inside the tennis ball was known to be 19.6 grams of methamphetamine According to him, the evidence of drugs and further handling of the case was then handed over to the Ngaliyan Police. Supriyanto said on the north side of the Semarang prison had established a two-layer wall along 200 meters which borders directly to Duwet Street, Ngaliyan, Semarang City.

"The object thrown from the outside will not reach the residential block," he said. In addition, he continued, CCTV cameras have also been installed at a number of points on the north side of the prison.