Stress Hits At Work, Here Are 6 Tips To Overcome It

JAKARTA - One of the effective ways to deal with stress in the workplace is to immediately manage stress triggers, instead of letting the situation get worse. Although this is not always possible because some things can get out of your control. But consider learning the following tips in order to find out which one might be applied to your current working conditions.

Psychologist Jacquelyn Johnson, PsyD, as reported by PsychCentral, Wednesday, September 27, suggested that it is possible, consider resting or staying away from sources of direct stress in the workplace.

If you can't leave the workplace, consider;

Although looking for a new atmosphere by walking around the workspace may not be allowed in every work environment. However, consider how to take a mental break for a moment. For example, spend time focusing on an object around and try to identify as many details as possible.

If your stress levels increase, try to exercise deep breathing. Research has shown that breathing techniques can be beneficial for physical and mental health, as well as relieve stress and strain that the body is experiencing.

Because breathing is something you can do easily and anywhere, consider doing breathing techniques as soon as possible and as often as possible when stress hits.

Some breathing exercises can help you calm down quickly, namely;

Science supports the mental health benefits of journaling. Research studies in 2021, show that journaling can be useful for eliminating stress at every opportunity.

Writing a journal can be as simple as setting up a 5-minute timeframe and writing down your stress and worries. If you're not sure what to write, consider selecting a journal or guide for journaling activities. You can create journals on your phone, computer, or

a daily book.

Exercise every day can be beneficial for your mental health. Research in 2017 found that exercise can affect the part of the brain responsible for regulating the mood and dealing with stress.

In fact, all physical activity can increase the hormone feeling of pleasure such as endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin. If you can't exercise regularly, try stretching in the seat, walking before, during, or after work, or up and down the stairs if you can.

The streets can also relieve stress. A 2019 study concluded that spending 20 minutes outdoors, even if you just sit down, is an effective way to reduce stress.

If possible, try walking to the office occasionally, outdoor lunch, or spending time in the park after work. Looking out the window for 5 minutes and focusing on the sky, trees, birds, lights, or whatever you can see, can also help manage stress at work.

A 2021 study shows that listening to music for 10 minutes can lower cortisol levels and improve mood, especially if you listen to favorite music.

Consider looking for music that can be heard while working. Or on stressful days, try listening to your favorite songs when you leave and go home from work and at rest.

According to the National Complementary and Integrative Health Center (NCCIH), meditation is an effective way to achieve mental and physical relaxation. Meditation doesn't have to take a full hour. You can practice your favorite meditation short version at work or at rest.

For example, you can focus on breathing for 1 minute and then mentally repeat positive affirmations for 3 minutes. You can also write this affirmation on Word documents and focus on the screen for a few minutes while reading it in your mind.

Overcoming stress in the workplace is very possible. By anticipating stress triggers, practicing relaxation techniques, and managing time, you can reduce some stress that makes you feel stressed at work. If you find it difficult to cope with stress in the workplace, consider consulting a mental health expert.