12 Indonesian Artists With Hidden Tattoos, Nia Ramadhani-Abigail Cantika

JAKARTA - Many Indonesian artists decorate their body beauty with tattoos. However, the tattoo is in a hidden part. In addition to supporting it to make its appearance more attractive, there is another meaning that is stored behind the tattoos of these celebrities.

Who are they? Here are 12 artists who have hidden tattoos.

Nia Ramadhani has a wing tattoo on her back. This tattoo is clearly visible when she wears a gym outfit set.

Upload a selfie, a small tattoo with a gun on the body of beautiful artist Amanda Manopo stole the attention of netizens. With a purple knit tanktop, Amanda's sexy aura is getting more and more radiated.

Wulan Guritno has a tattoo with Indonesian and British flags on his back right below his neck. Through his statement, this tattoo with the flag of Indonesia and England represents the figure of himself who was born from two bloodstains.

In the latest photo shoot, Celine Evangelista appears to have added a new tattoo in the form of writing on her chest. Previously, Celine had a tattoo on her shoulder that had a special date for her and her ex-husband, Stefan William. However, after the divorce, Celine deleted the tattoo.

Sophia Latjuba has a tattoo on her back. decorating one part of her back with a heart image. Some of her uploads, Ariel NOAH's ex-lover often shows off the tattoo.

Renatta Moeloek also tattooed his body on his arm. The image is also still about food, namely pig hair, tithyme, bay leaf and koriander.

Shareena chose the left back to get a tattoo. The tattoo depicts a butterfly with a size that is quite large and green.

The younger brother of handsome actor Bryan Domani also has a tattoo on his hand. It's not clear what the writing on Megan's hand is, but her charm is getting more and more radiated, right?

The former JKT48 member has a picture of 3 birds on the upper arm of the inside. This tattoo means freedom and blessings.

Uploading vacation photos with sports bras combined with baggy jeans and white jackets, many have misfocused on the appearance of Rachel Vennya's tattoo on the left side of her stomach.

GAC vocalist, Abigail Cantika has a tattoo on her arm. Cantika also has a tattoo on her chest, but she rarely shows it.

In the portrait above, Anya Geraldine takes a lying position while showing off a small tattoo on her inner wrist. The tattoo on the part also caught the attention of netizens. Netizens guessed, Anya's tattoo had a holding hand and butterfly wings.