Children Don't Want To Brush Their Teeth, Parents Need To Do These 6 Steps

JAKARTA - Awareness to clean teeth needs to be taught early on. According tote Scott, dentists who specialize in the Australian Dental Association, the habit of caring for teeth and mouth can begin when the baby is 4 months old. You can use a wet sterile cassation to clean the inside of your little one's mouth while giving a little massage to your gum.

Before the age of 1 year, the use of toothpaste is not necessary, because children have not eaten solid food. After the age of 1, when the child starts eating solid food, toothpaste is needed to remove the remaining food from the teeth.

Make it customary for children to brush their teeth twice a day as a habit. The morning after breakfast and the night before bed, so that children will feel there is something missing if they haven't brushed their teeth, especially the night before bed. The habit of brushing teeth is a provision for children to have healthy teeth to adulthood in the future.

Here are six ways that you can do so that your child will want to and diligently brush his teeth:

Take him to supermarkets, mini markets, or online stores to choose his own brush and toothpaste with the attractive design and color he likes. Previously, you could make several choices of brushes made of safe materials, have round and small head tips, sizes accordingly, have soft brush hair, and the grip is steady.

A slippery guide can surprise and injure the child's mouth. Buy a new toothbrush and remove the old toothbrush at least once every 3 months or when the brush starts to break.

Paste teeth for toddlers should contain very little fluoride and be free of determinants and do not contain bleach, so it is not dangerous to be swallowed by children who have not been able to garage well. Usually, the child's toothpaste is not spicy and there is a taste of fruit. Even so, don't use a lot of toothpaste for children, yes. Just a little, about the tip of the nail or the size of the rice seed, then flattened it on the surface of the brush.

Brush all the surface of the teeth. Move the brush on the front of the teeth is done by sweeping upwards and downwards, as well as the outer left and right teeth with a rotating motion. Clean also the inner teeth and the surface of the teeth. To be more effective, teach the child a brush in front of the mirror, so that it can see how to brush the right teeth.

It's also okay to invite papa or brother, and make small competitions to determine who is the most appropriate to brush his teeth. Or, let him brush his teeth, mother or papa, then take turns, you brush your teeth.

When brushing your teeth, do it for about two minutes while accompanied by the song of your favorite child. Make the movement to brush your teeth in rhythm with the rhythm of the song. Or, tell stories about germs that attack your mouth and good knights who will help you.

In order for the child to be more enthusiastic, give a reward every time the child has finished brushing his teeth. No need for objects. Praise and hugs Sayang is a gift that can make him happy and excited. If he can do it regularly for a week, he can give him a sticker with a funny picture.