Pukau Thousands Of Spectators, Soundrenaline 2023 Breaks!

JAKARTA - After the 2023 Soundrenaline Festival. Held September 2-3 at Carnaval Beach, Ancol, Jakarta, the festival, which this time took the theme Voice Of True Progress, managed to amaze thousands of viewers.

It's not a Soundernaline if you can't bring a high-end musician from within and outside the country.

Last year Soundernaline brought in a number of major overseas musicians such as Weezer, Neck Deep, Secondhand Serenade, Ignite, Clean Bandit, and Mura Masa.

This year is even crazier. They managed to invite Thirty Second to Mars, Kodaline, LAUV, Explosions In The Sky, Turnover, Jeremy Zucker, The Devil Wears Prada, Anson Seabra, New West and many more.

With guest stars from various music genres appearing on five different stages, Indonesian music lovers feel invited to adventure in this event.

On the first day, the audience's ears were pampered with the opening performances of Avhath and Adhitia Sofyan. Towards the afternoon, Crystal Lake, The Panturas, MRTNS, For Revenge, Joan, Endah N Rhesa and Anson Seabra made the atmosphere in the afternoon even more lively. To make the atmosphere even more burning, after the break, several other eardrum-destroying bands such as St Loco, The Cash, Bebop, GUM, Turnover, Poppin Class, and Explosions In The Sky have spurred the audience's adrenaline.

Of course, the main guest star that his performances, Thirty Second to Mars have been waiting for, the band led by Jared Leto (vocalist, guitarist, bassist and keyboardist) and Shannon Leto (drumer and percussionist).

The audience's wait for 12 years has finally paid off. Even though the weather was not favorable due to drizzling, Jared Leto's energetic stage action burned the audience's enthusiasm to join in the mock and sing. In his appearance this time, Jared also invited Isyana Saravati to the stage to sing Stuck.

By bringing a total of 14 of their flagship songs such as Closer To The Edge, Attack, Beatiful Lie, The Kill, made the full cover that day.

Soundernaline's excitement continued on the second day. Just like the previous day, since noon the audience has been pampered by several top musicians on several different stages. Starting from Maliq & D'essential, The Overtunes, Heals, Andra and The BackBone, Social Circuit, Summerlane, Rocket Rockers, to Jeremy Zucker.

When it gets dark, the rock band whose metalhead performance is waiting for, namely The Devil Wears Prada, opens after the break. Followed by the local band that the average listener of the 90s generation, BaseJam.

Not only the two bands. A number of local and foreign musicians who are no less cool than the first day also enlivened Soundernaline 2023 on the last day. Call it New West, Grentperez, Fiersa Besari, Perky Club, Kodaline, Cosmo's Midnight, Optimal Soundsystem and closed by performances from LAUV.

One word for Soundernaline 2023 'Voice Of Progress': it's broken!

Writer: Handri Juniar